Monday, May 7, 2012

Gender Within Toys Continued...

Toy R Us at Alhambra May 3,2012  

       Here is another image of toys. It is an example of gender socialization done so with toys.This image was taken at a local "Toys R Us." Notice the "My Little Pony" toys that are not only pink but it comes with a small comb that signifies that young girls should spend their time combing a ponies hair. The toy on top of the pony is a "Princess" set, thus conveying to young girls need to be Princesses. The set comes with a crown and a wand. The toy next to the pony is a Spider man yo-yo. The Spider man toy is blue opposed to the pink girl toys. Children are extremely gender socialized and this can create problems due to the fact that perhaps a girl likes Spider man and she may want the yo-yo and society has placed a unconscious restrain on her, for which she does not choose the yo-yo but the Pony or the Princess set.

Gender Within Laptop Accessories

Friends Laptop Cover May 9,2012 taken at the 101 Train to Northridge

This is my friend Chris's laptop cover. Notice it is black with a red strip and it is simple. The inside is well protected in order to keep the laptop safe. It is made out of a sturdy material.

Friends Laptop Cover May 9,2012 taken at the 101 Train to Northridge

This laptop cover is from my friend Michel and she bought this Hello Kitty one. It is very feminine and the material is not as sturdy as the one my friend Chris has. Not only are laptop covers a representation  of the gender roles in society but the laptop covers that are more for females are made of a cheaper fabric. The laptop cover for males are sturdier and plain. Gender socialization no only affects the color or the style but also the efficiency of the product.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gender Within Toys

99 Cent Store at Northridge May 1,2012 

Here is a toy that I found at a local store. We see that the card board is red. It is a toy that replicates the accessories of a police officer. The red can serve as a symbol of blood. Around the main toy there are cars. These toys are consumed by boys. Children at a very young age are gender socialized. Boys are taught that they need to pursue a career where they can demonstrate there masculinity such as a police officer.

99 Cent Store at Northridge May 1,2012

Here this toy was found in the same store. The card board is pink in this toy. It is a beauty set and is a toy that is consumed by girls. Here we see some earrings and jewels. These toys are teaching girls at a very young age that they need to be "pretty" and that they need to focus on their looks. This demonstrates to girls that they need to be more feminine, opposed to boys who are more masculine.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Socialization to Gender Roles: Popularity among Elementary School Boys and Girls"

Google Images 2012

Gender roles often are seen in the media, and advertisement, yet it are also seen in Elementary Schools. Preadolescent children in and out of school have focused on the role of popularity in gender socialization. School is a second home to boys and girls. They have formed gendered peer subcultures. Boys and girls within Elementary Schools have constructed idealized images of masculinity and femininity and they model their behavior after these images. It is seen within schools that boys achieve a high and popular status that is based on their athletic ability, coolness, toughness, and their social skills. Whereas girls achieve popularity via their parents' socioeconomic success, their physical appearance, social skills and their academic success. Boys' gender images are more about activeness and strength, and girls' on appearance and social skills. This shows changes in children's' gender roles. Elementary schools are very powerful sites for places for the construction of cultural gender relations. Such segregated sexual cultures have been observed in places as early as preschool. It is observed that as girls and boys separate and form their own interest and preferred activities, peer cultures are clearly established. These peer cultures contribute to the creation of  gender differences. This is due to the fact that they constitute enclaves in which allows children to form their own ideals. Such gender difference has affected children's play. Boys' activities are highly complex, competitive, rule driven, large in size, and goal directed. Girls' activities are more independent and focus on them enjoying themselves rather than wining.

Socialization to Gender Roles: Popularity among Elementary School Boys and Girls
Patricia A. Adler, Steven J. Kless and Peter Adler
Sociology of Education , Vol. 65, No. 3 (Jul., 1992), pp. 169-187
Published by: American Sociological Association
Article Stable URL:

"Sex Roles in Advertising: A Comparison of Television Advertisements in Australia, Mexico, and the United States"

Google Images 2012

Many researchers and feminist have demonstrated a deep concern for the messages that advertising give to women. Advertising portrays roles that women are seen doing within those advertisements. It is believed that advertising influences society's perception of what the appropriate sex roles are. These are ideals that are instilled into women. Advertisement reinforces the proper sex roles that are created by society. Such advertisements are Detrimental to society because it creates stereotypes. Advertisement that portrays sex roles and causes sex role stereotypes. These sex role stereotypes serve as poor models that demonstrate unsympathetic opinions if individual differences.  Some supporters of advertising state that advertisements simply show what already exist, like a mirror. Yet advertisement reflects  culture's sex role norms. Cultural differences are shown in advertisement. Sex roles in three countries were examined; the United States, Mexico, and Australia. These three countries were chosen in order to compare the different cultural values that are found within advertising. The study came with the conclusion that advertisements show ideal sex roles by molding sex-typed behavior. The manner in which men and women are depicted in media, reflect sex role stereotypes. Sex role stereotypes were found usually within print and broadcast advertising yet now it is exhibited in various media sources. These advertisements are concerning due to the fact that the media in which they are being exposed in are where children are heavy users and viewers. When children see and grow up viewing such advertisements that convey sex role stereotypes, they begin to perform the sex roles they see. Young girls are forced into the ideals that such advertisements demonstrate, creating various problems with self-esteem and health. Such stereotypes also affect young boys. Young men treat the female figures in their life the way they have grown up seeing in the media. Not only are the behaviors expressed in female figures but in their behavior. Young men try to be masculine and they believe that the more tough they are the more masculine they are. Such views in advertisement is greatly affecting the children.          

Sex Roles in Advertising: A Comparison of Television Advertisements in Australia, Mexico, and the United States
Mary C. Gilly
Journal of Marketing , Vol. 52, No. 2 (Apr., 1988), pp. 75-85
Published by: American Marketing Association
Article Stable URL:

Effects of Gender Roles

Google Images 2012

Sex roles affect the lives of both men and women. Such gender roles can cause self esteem problems. Self esteem refers to how we think about ourselves. It can also refer to how much we value ourselves. This weather  we approve of who we are as people. Now self esteem is a complex issue. It is often rooted in very early experiences. It's an important part of sexuality because it affects both what we do and how we feel. This is how gender roles affect men and women. It affects self-esteem. Young women would struggle to keep up with the latest fashions and ideals. It is difficult for women to have a career and a family. The day care options are difficult and they may not have the ability or work flexibility to attend to their children in case of an emergency.Gender roles have influenced women's movements and the vast entry of women into the work force. This has profoundly affected adult women's gender roles. Yet such gender roles at a young age does the opposite. Gender roles can cause young girls to struggle with the ideals that society has inflicted. Such types of struggles often leads to problems with self-esteem.

Sex Roles

Google Images 2012

Sex roles or gender roles are the roles that society has assigned to men and women. These roles are based on the gender of people. These sex roles especially influence relationships between men and women. These gender roles affect women. It is stated by society that women are supposed to get married and stay home to raise a family. Society has dictated that the  man is expected to go out to work to support his family. Yet, if a woman chose to have a career, then she is considered to be a bad mother. The man would be looked down on because he would be thought to be unable to support his family and needs his wife to work.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Google Images 2012

Sex is biological such as male and female. Gender is socialized like how a male is dictated by society to me masculine and females are said to me feminine. Socialization is often referred to a lifelong process in which we inherit norms, customs and ideologies that are taught to us by our society. These norms or ideologies are learned from media, advertisement , school, parents, society and various other places.